Photobook Proof Of Concept
The first photobook draft is sort of working, and I once again aimed to focus on the narrative structure within the photos I took and the stories told, both as a whole and within each spread. I definitely have some things I still am not sure about, but trying to get everything to snap to the print safe margins was an exercise in stubbornness I simply did not possess at that moment, and my goal was mainly to get the project done. For the cover, I wanted to emphasize certain words, and I followed the way text flowed from there. Articles being made smaller is also a technique I use often, so "to" and "the" being smaller made sense, while making the importance of serving and the ruler to which the performers serve clearer through contrast also helps.
"The mimetic form, a technique that exploited rhythm, meter, and music, achieved the desired psychological response in the listener. Listeners could memorize with greater ease what was sung than what was said. Plato attacked this method because it discouraged disputation and argument. It was in his opinion the chief obstacle to abstract, speculative reasoning—he called it "a poison, and an enemy of the people"." Marshall McLuhan
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